Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4th Annual Kevin Frenock Memorial Hockey Tournament (cont.)

Ashley will be on the radio on Friday August 5th, between 830am and 9am to play "Are you smarter than..."

A car wash to help fund the event will be held on Saturday at 11am, at Altmans.

4th Annual Kevin Frenock Memorial Hockey Tournament

Similar to the past years, this years tournament will be 4 on 4.  The rink, however is now a sports court; players should use softer(indoor) wheels.

The teams suggested size is 6 and a goalie, and the entry fee will be $130 a team.

There will again be a Chinese Auction featuring items such as:
Signed Penguins Gear
Various Gift Card

The first game starts 9am, registration starts at 8:30am.  You have the option to preregister and show up later in the day.

More information to come!
Beer will be served around 3pm.  Various games will be organized around that.

The t-shirts this year will be available to purchase for $20.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


All teams are to be at the rink at 9am to register, pay, and sign your waiver. A list of the order of the games will be posted soon. Below are all the team names and their respective divisions.

Division 1

Team Frenock

Off Constantly

Team Sweden

Mario Patrelli's

Division 2


Team Hakim

Freedom 35

Team Zieler

Division 3

Bon Air Crew

Team X-Blades

Easton Fections


Division 4

Poppin' Don's Cherry

Team Pup n' Suds


Team Joyce

The winners of the tournament will win a Tournament t-shirt with "CHAMPIONS" on the back along with bragging rights until next year.

Silent Auction
There will be a silent auction for the better prizes we have this year.  They will have a minimum bid and if it does not get reached then they will be placed on eBay. This items include:
  • Autographed Mario Lemieux Stick
  • Autographed Mario Lemieuw Puck
  • Nemacolin Golf package includes
    • Free 18 rounds at The Links 
    • Discount for each additional player with you (I think its 39.99 each)
    • A Golf shirt and Golf jacket
    • And possibly more!
  • Aria Acoustic Guitar (Similar to the one seen here, but not the exact same)
The minimum price for all of these items will be less than what they would go for on eBay.  If you are interested in any of these, then please come down and place your bids.  There might also be more items placed in this auction, so don't miss out!

Chinese Auction
The following items will be in the Chinese Auction.  This list is still growing but already includes:

4 Etched Tumblers
Stan Savran Bobble Head
Body Heat Tanning Salon Gift Certificate
Sweet Appetit Gift Certificate
Elliot’s Backstreet BBQ
Tinder Box Gift Certificate
Fitted Penguin Cap
Penguin Travel Cup
Penguin Towel
Steeler Travel Cup
$50 Tanning Gift Certificate & Lotion
Steeler Video
Steeler Touchdowns to Tailgating
Steel Town T Shirt
Penguin T Shirt
Training Camp T Shirt
Penguin T Shirt
Pittsburgh T Shirt
Terrible Towel
Knitted Penguin Cap
Chicken Derby
Penguin Shot Glasses Set of 4
Omar Morena Figurine
Pirates 1979 World Series
Fitted Steeler Cap
4 Sports Illustrated Commemorative Issues
Penguin and Steeler Key Chain

Tickets for this will be $1 for 1 of $5 for 7.

Food and Drinks
We we also food and drinks throughout the day.  A tentative schedule is as follows:
Coffee and Panera in the morning
Wings around noon
Around 2- 4 we should have Haluski, Kabasi, macaroni salad,  ham burgers, cookies, brownies, etc
At 6 we will have Meatballs and Cheesy Potatos

We will also have plenty of water and pop throughout the day!

105.9 The X's Bob Mclaughlin
Redbull Girls
Local NHL player John Zieler will be playing
Many more to come.....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Updates June 4, 2010

The X

I want to take this time to thank everyone done at The X.  They were more than helpful today.  For anyone that missed it, we were on their Morning show with Tim Benz and Bob McLaughlin.  Ashley was dubbed the new "Hockey Hottie" and played a round of "Are You Smarter Than".  A video clip of that will be linked here soon.
We also now officially have our first items for auction.  A complete list of auction items will be given later in the summer.

Car Wash

The car wash will be held tomorrow at Altman's located on Old Clairtion (click here for directions).  The car wash will go from 11 AM to around 1 PM as long as the weather agrees with us.  All money made at the car wash will go towards the tournament.


Donations can be acceptable in any form, whether it be money, food, items we can raffle/auction, connections you have with various people, or even work you can put into helping the tournament be as good as possible.

Checks can be made payable to "Kevin Frenock Memorial Fund."

Questions and Contact

All question, concerns, team entries, etc can be asked via email at kjfhockey@gmail.com, or by phone via 412-445-2966, or 412-973-7632.  Phone numbers can receive voice mail and text messages in the event the call does not go through.

If you are interested in what we are doing please continue to visit our webpage as it will be updated as we get information.

We also have a Facebook Group, please invite your self if you plan on attending.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

3rd Annual KJF Hockey Tournament

The 3rd Annual KJF Hockey Tournament is set for Saturday, August 7th, 2010. As of now we are looking for help and donations.
Help includes:
  • Getting companies and people to donate money. We have a letter with a letterhead you can use. The best way to do this is to go from business to business handing them out.
  • People to pass out flyers and advertise in any other way they can.
  • Getting items to be raffled off in a raffle
  • Getting sponsors for things like food and drinks.
  • We are looking for people who can get into contact with the Penguins. The ideal situation would be to get a player there, but anything including autographs, tickets and other memorabilia would help
  • We are trying to get 105.9 The X involved. Ideally we would want a DJ to play there at some point during the day, but again anything would help. Things like plugging us on the air, shirts, or other prizes that could give us. WDVE would also be good.
  • We probably still need more volunteer refs.
  • We are going to need people to work the clock through out the day.
  • We are in need of a PA system, and an announcer that can announce when teams are up and other messages throughout the day.
We also had our first meeting today. We will be having more throughout the summer.

If you have any other ideas or would like to help in any other way please contact Ashley at 412-4552966 or Dan at 412-973-7632 or email us at kjfhockey@gmail.com.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


We will be playing 4 on 4 this year. We are still in early stages of planning, so I can not promise, nor guarantee anything at the moment. Try to shoot for at least 6 players and a goalie. This year we will be charging a flat fee per team instead of per player based on the assumption that every team should have about 6 skaters and a goalie. So this will keep your costs down, as well as allow more people to play. All ages are accepted, however please remember that the average player's age is between 18 and 25ish. If you have a team and want to reserve room you can follow these instructions:

Email the following to kjfhockey@gmail.com

Pick a captian(preferably the one emailing) so i can contact one person per team.

Make the Subject: HOCKEY TEAM
so that it is easy to pick out.

Copy the following and fill it in(the form assumes the captian is a player):

Team Name:
Team Color(if applicable):
Captain Name(first and last):
Captain Phone Number:
Captain Age:
Captain Number:

(copy and fill this out for each addition player.)

Player Name(first and last):
Player age:
Player number:

You can also sign up as a single if you can't find a team. Just use the "Player" form and make the email subject "HOCKEY SINGLE." I will do my best to get you on a team, but again I cannot make any promises.

We are typically in need of goalies at some point. If you are a goalie without a team use the "Player" form and make the email subject "HOCKEY GOALIE." You will be almost guaranteed a game.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


We have made a lot of progress since earlier in July. We have food being donated for the morning from Panera. We have food to be served around 5 from Martini's possibly a few other local restaurants. Local NHL Player John Zeiler is suppose to be coming, possibly more NHL members and former Penguins. We will have atleast 3 -5 Hooter Girls or more there. We will have games and attractions set up such as Root Beer Pong, Corn Whole , Guitar Hero, a Popcorn Machine, and are trying to get more things planned. We have items to raffle off. Items include:
  • Autographed Stick From Kristopher Letang
  • Autographed Stick from Darryl Sydor
  • Two Penguin Tickets
  • 2 $25 dollar gift certificates to The SunTan Shack
  • 2 free dinners from Cone Apetite
  • A gift certificate from Cheesecake Factory
  • A gift certificate from Hoss's
  • A gift certificate from Denny's
  • One free men's hair cut at Evolutions Salon
  • Pirate tickets
  • A gas card
  • Penguin Hats
  • Penguin Shirts
  • Penguin Beanies
  • Penguin Picture/poster
  • Possibly something coming from LA Fitness
  • Possibly something from Lifeforce
  • Possibly something from The X and/or DVE
  • More to come before Saturday

We have about 12 conformed teams playing and I am anticipating more to register that day. If you want to register that day, please come before 10 am so that I can get the bracket together as early as possible.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kevin Frenock Memorial Hockey Tournament

August 2nd at South Park Roller Hockey Rink
8am -9 pm(times may change)
3 on 3 Tourament
Raffles for Pens Memorabilia, Tickets and more
50/50’s, Chinese Auctions and Food
All Proceeds will be donated to the
Mario Lemieux Foundation

Almost all of this is subject to change, depending on time constraints and amount of teams.
-Games will be 3 on 3.
-The cost will be $15 per player.
-There will be two periods ten minutes long and running clock. First round games may be shorter, later round games may be extended. The time limits and whether there is a running clock greatly depends on the amount of teams. If there are too many, the first round will be shortened and the later games will be extended when it is apparent that we have enough time. (may change depending on the amount of teams)
-Games will have at least one ref. We are still looking for refs that will ref for free and preferably ones that have been certified.
-Penalties will result in penalty shots.
-Teams should have at least one sub.
-If you cannot find a goalie, a goalie can be provided to you. You may also share a goalie between multiple teams. The goalie only has to pay once.
-Trophies will be awarded to the winners of the tournament, addition awards may go to the players with significant stats(most goals, most points, etc)
-all teams should bring a white and black shirt to play in. If you have another color jersey/shirt already in mind bring it but bring the other shirts just in case.
If your ready to start signing a team up, you can do so thru email. Make sure that the person the emails me checks it regularly so that you can get updates if things change.

Pick a captian(preferably the one emailing) so i can contact one person per team.

Make the Subject: HOCKEY TEAM
so that it is easy to pick out.

Copy the following and fill it in(the form assumes the captian is a player):
Team Name:
Team Color(if applicable):
Captain Name(first and last:
Captain Phone Number:
Captain age:
Captain Number:

(copy and fill this out for each addition player.)

Player Name(first and last):
Player age:
Player number:

You can also sign up as a single if you can't find a team. Just use the "Player" form and make the email subject "HOCKEY SINGLE"

That's all the information that I believe I need now. Try to get it in as soon as possible so I can get some sort of numbers on how many teams, and how many players are coming, so i can order food and figure out how long games will be.

Note:Teams may be combined. For example if your a team of 3 and your friends with another team of 3, I may need you too combined with one another in order to make room.


These are plans that we have so far, some are definetes and some are still up in the air because of the short time we've had to plan this.
-The rink is reserved for August 2nd. The times are subject to change.
-There will be food and drinks available to buy, possibly an all you can eat type thing. Some food is already being donated by local restaurants. Other food will include burgers and hot dogs(etc) off a grill.
-As of now the fund raising bank account is still being processed. If you know of a company that would like to donate, it would be better to wait until the account gets set up so that they can write a check straight to the account. If you absolutely cannot wait to donate, then I can take cash donations.
-We are attempting to get a raffle set up. We already have a couple sets Pens tickets for next season, and a autographed stick. We are in the process of getting more.
- We are attempting to get Penguin support. Any donations of things to raffle off or money is what we're hoping for. We are also working on getting actually Penguins player(s) to make an appearance which is very possible, but no guarantees.
- I am hoping to get some sort of Hockey vendor there, similar to how the PHRHL gets KoSports during playoffs.
-Money jars are going to be distributed to local companies, feel free to do the same.
-Some money made will go to making a plaque to be put up at the PHRHL.

If you have any questions, suggestions, something to contribute or anything else, email me.

If you know players that I wouldn't, then get them to make teams.

ALL EMAIL SHOULD BE SENT TO kjfhockey@gmail.com.


If you or your company would like to make a contribution, donation, or would like to appear and set up a booth at the rink the day of the tournament send me an email with your plans. I deas for that include donation food that we can sell, things we can raffle, or anything else that would attract people and bring in money. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO the Mario Lemieux Foundation.

I am currently having a tax free, non-profit organization bank account being set up, but is being processed through the IRS and may not be set up until a few days before the tournament. I may be able to handle a few checks personally but because it will look like income I would rather not accept any. If time runs out before the tournament we will ask that you just make the check out to the Mario Lemieux Foundation and give them to us so that we can donate it all at once. I will accept all cash donations.

If you would like to set up a donation box somewhere for us or hang up a flyer, the official flyer can be downloaded here.
If you do not have Microsoft PowerPoint, you can download a light weight PowerPoint viewer here.
